Focus on Giving Back
Are you without any type of vision insurance or benefits, or faced with high deductibles?
Then 2017 is the year to take advantage of our complete vision exam. We’ll check your current prescription for a flat fee of only $65. In return, we’ll donate $17 to a charity of your choice from the list shown below.
Call us at 419-625-6181 to schedule your FOCUS ON GIVING BACK appointment at either our Sandusky or Fremont office.
Parschauer Eye Center: We work here. We live here. We give back here.
- Humane Society, Erie County
- Cancer Services
- Humane Society, Sandusky County
- Back to the Wild
- Serving Our Seniors
- Liberty Center Homeless Shelter, Sandusky County
Here is all you need to know:
- A $65 flat fee is all you will pay and you will walk out of our facility with a prescription card for glasses. There are no hidden charges, but under these circumstances we can only accept cash or credit cards, no personal checks.
- Should you choose to proceed with frames and glasses from our in-house optical department, we have arranged for a 10% discount for you. If not, simply take your prescription with you… remember, no obligation!
- The Focus on Giving Back program is for new and existing Parschauer Eye Center patients who do not have any type of vision insurance. If you currently have vision coverage, we will gladly discuss the best options for you in maximizing your vision benefit. Just ask us how!
- The Focus on Giving Back program is a quality vision exam, but does not include the necessary testing needed if you wish to proceed with contacts.
- When calling to schedule your appointment, please mention that you are participating in the Focus on Giving Back program.
New patients always welcome.